Sunday, June 5, 2011

Confessions from your waifus

Once again stolen from CIA's blog (his blog is really awesome BTW, you should really check it out), here is another fictional Shindan Maker game:

I know some of you are going to be confused about this so let me explain. Shindan maker is website where wota are able to make different word games with situations involving H!P members. It's kind of like a very short dating sim. For example, the last time I blogged about shindan maker, it was about getting mail from your waifus, this time it is about getting a confession from them. It's all in good fun!

To play along click here, and type your name in the blue box like this:

Now click the grey 診断する button next to it.

You will now be taken to a page with your results in a bigger blue box. Mine looks like this:

It says "From Umeda Erika at night: 'I want to become your girlfriend!' she confessed. Afterwards, she hugs you tightly."

I accept, Umechan! <3

If you can't read Japanese, just copy and paste all of the kanji from the blue box in a comment here and I'll (attempt) to translate. Happy confessing!


  1. The link doesn't work, you have a space at the end of it that needs to be deleted.

    What an interesting generator!

    My result: Hiddersは『須藤茉麻』から熱海で「カスーーーーーーーーーーーー!!」と告白されました。そしてくねくねしています。

    I have H!P's classic Japanese beauty, Sudou Maasa! And there's something about "confessed" and "wiggling". Hehe, I wonder what that means.

  2. Reina let it slip about the 47th single. No details whatsoever as of yet but we do know that they shot the jacket yesterday/today.
    And Ai-chan dyed her hair brown. A very sad and sickly brown.

  3. Here's my results Chris:


  4. no no, my blog isn´t awesome (your is) xD but thanks ^^

    shindan maker is really can dream lol......

    Check author´s games, it´s always about H!P...he/she has the best games imo lol

  5. @Hidders: Fixed, thanks.

    須藤茉麻 - Maasa
    熱海で - "in Atami", a coastal city in Shizuoka, Japan
    カスーーーーーーーーーーーー!! - this is the key phrase but unforturantely I'm not sure what it means. It is read as "kasu", which normally means to lend out/to loan, but it is written in katakana (which is normally used for foreign loan words, onomatopoeia, or for placing emphasis on a word). I found out that it is also a slang insult meaning something like "scum".
    告白 - confession
    されました。 - past tense "to do"
    そして - "and then"
    くねくね - not sure, but dictionary says it can mean "to sway" or like you said, "to wriggle"
    しています。 - "to do" (present tense)

    So in Atami, Maasa insulted you and started swaying or something. lol

    須藤茉麻 - Maasa again
    自分の家で - at my house (I think it's her house, not yours)
    「お命頂戴!」 - the key phrase. It's something like "I give my life to you!" (or it could be the other way around)
    告白 - confession
    されました。 - past tense "to do"
    そして - "and then"
    彼女は - "she"
    爆笑 - "burst into laughter"
    しています。 - "to do" (present tense)

    So, Maasa, at her house (though it could be your house) said "I give my life to you!" and then started laughing


    @CIA: Your blog has always been the most interesting to me!

  6. "Maasa, why you gotta play me like that? I'd treat you like a QUEEN! *pouts* Why doesn't she love me like I love her? I'm heart-broken."

  7. If you want to give it a second try, you can slightly modify your name ("Hidder" or something) and enter that. You'll get a different result~

  8. Melisaは『梅田えりか』からすき家で「あなたに抱かれたいの…」と告白されました。そして回っています。

    oh hey! from Erika~ wonder what it says :P ..oh wait, I think I already did mine before lol (from C.I.A.) XD

    also, sorry I haven't been on MSN for the past few days~
    been kinda busy with some stuffs D: and Science State exam tomorrow, ew~

  9. Ok I'm curious ,


    It seems straightforward enough but I never really trust google translate.

  10. @Melisa:
    『梅田えりか』から - from Umeda Erika
    すき家で - At Sukiya (a fast food restaurant)
    あなたに - you
    抱かれたいの... - want to hold...
    と告白 - confession
    されました。 - to do (past tense).
    そして - And then
    回っています。 - not too sure, but I think it means to wander around

    So, at Sukiya, Erika said "I want to hold you..." and then she started walking around

    and it's okay. good luck on your test.

    『新井愛瞳』から - from Arai Manami (the former Egg and now UFZS member)
    松屋で - at Matsuya (a department store like Macy's or something)
    あたしと - Myself and
    付き合わない - negative form of "to go out with"
    と後悔 - and regret
    するわよ! - using feminine speech, the verb "to do"
    と告白 - confession
    されました - to do (past tense)
    そして - And then
    ちょこんと - to look/be quiet
    座っています。 - to sit (present tense)

    So, Arai Manami, at Matsuya, confesses that she regrets going out with you. Then, she sits down and becomes quiet.

  11. I want to know too, ha


  12. hmmm wow my result junは『宮本佳林』から兼六園で「この世から消えてください」と告白されました。そしてあなたを蔑んだ目で見てきます。

  13. Ouch.

    That's it, no more virtual dates for me lol.

  14. @Sunny:

    『鈴木愛理』から - from Suzuki Airi
    近所のジャスコで - at the neighborhood JUSCO (Japanese supermarket or store)
    「もうライブに来ないでください」 - please don't come to anymore lives (concerts)
    と告白されました。 - she confessed
    そして - And then
    目を閉じて - to close one's eyes
    顔を近づけてきます。 - to bring one's face close

    So, Airi, at a local store said "please don't come to anymore concerts" and then she closed her eyes and brought her face close to yours.

    I have no idea why yours is like opposites. Bipolar Airi ftw?


    『宮本佳林』から - from Miyamoto Karin (H!P Egg)
    兼六園で - in Kenrokuen (a famous Japanese garden)
    「この世から消えてください」 - "please disappear from this world"
    と告白されました。 - she confessed
    そして - and then
    あなたを蔑んだ目で見てきます。 - you looked at her with hatred

    So, Miyamoto Karin, in Kenrouken told you "please disappear from this world", and then you started to hate her.

    @RandomIdolFan: lol I probably should have put a warning that the "confession" can range from awesomeness to pure hatred (as the last three confessions have proven).

  15. This my result please translate it:


  16. @amateratsu10:

    『田辺奈菜美』から - from Tanabe Nanami (H!P Egg)

    マクドナルドで - at McDonalds (lol)

    「もうライブに来ないでください」 - "Please don't come to anymore lives (concerts)"

    と告白されました - she confessed

    そして - and then

    彼女は - she

    ニコニコしています。 - started smiling

    Tanabe Nanami, at McDonalds, told you "please don't come to anymore concerts" and then she began to smile.

    tsundere tanabe ftw
