Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy anniversary C-ute! + C-ute live concert 6/18

Today, June 11th, marks the six year anniversary of C-ute being together as a group.

I just realized that I've now been a C-ute fan for three out of the six years they've been in existence. It really doesn't seem like that long ago when Tokaikko Junjou amazed me and got me hooked. Although they don't sell quite as much, they've really changed for the better since then. They've been through a scandal, a member addition, and a graduation and yet are still going strong today. C-ute is awesome and I'm proud to call myself a fan.

PS, I didn't quite have time to finish today, but look out for a special C-ute related encode tomorrow.

Also it was announced that C-ute will have one of their concerts broadcasted live on their Youtube channel on June 18th, 3 PM Japan time. That's June 18th 2 AM for the US East Coast. Last time, when they broadcasted one of their concerts on USTREAM, I had a ton of fun watching with a couple of friends on MSN so I know this one will be just as epic. Can't wait!


  1. yush yush, happy 6th anniversary for C-ute~~<3333
    Meli has only been a fan of C-ute less than a year...awww</3

  2. There was a C-ute scandal? Was it the one about Megumi and a boy?

    Youtube's streams are MUCH more clearer/stabler than Ustream. This thrills me.

  3. ^ Megu's sharing an umbrella/holding hands with a guy and Kanna hanging out with a Johnny's guy (they were also seen holding hands and being cuddly).

  4. Woo 6 years. I've been a fan for about a yar and a half to 2 years at this point now :3

  5. happy 6th anniversary kyuuto ill be there to watch it
