Monday, October 17, 2011

Mobekimasu on Hey! Hey! Hey! 720p HD download link

Mobekimasu talk and performance on Hey! Hey! Hey! today.

It's only 5 minutes long, but it's an awesome 5 minutes. The talk segment at the beginning is a basic introduction and then the performance starts.

I started off feeling indifferent to this song when I first heard it, then seeing the previews and the PV made me realize that it's actually pretty good, and now I'm so in love with it, it's crazy. I just can't get over how catchy it is (especially the English parts which fit surprisingly well).

Then, to end the appearance, a certain someone has a message for Downtown:

(Momoko, as well as quite a few other members were absent from this appearance due to the Berikyuu play.)

Download link:

Do note that I encoded it to be 60fps this time around. If you find that your PC struggles to play it, here is a 30fps version from the tracker (I didn't encode it):

I would suggest you at least try downloading my encode first to see if your PC can handle it because it plays smoother and is of much better quality (click for screenshot comparison proof).



  1. Is it just me or if you look really fast at that first pic Gaki looks like Kamei Eri?

  2. lol 5 min in 1 hour´s program ¬¬ but i´m sure it was the best 5 minutes of the show lol

    I loved Hamada´s reaction with Momo´s letter xD

  3. ^^same here, she looks like Kamei on that shot.

  4. Could you also upload to youtube? My computer is reaallly slow on vimeo and it takes a looong time to download off megaupload and even then it gets stuck for me. TT_TT

    Soory to cause any problems T_T

  5. ^x4 Agreed with lacieleia. Just about every other pic of Gaki now seems to looks like Ai or Eri, it's so weird.

    Awe, poor Momochi.

  6. @Anon: There are Youtube links here:

  7. OK, thankyou very much ^_^
    Really appreciate it ^_^
