Hello! Project

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Michishige Sayumi's Graduation Concert Mini-Review and Blu-Ray Download Links

Hey everyone! Yep that's right, I'm not dead. Although I'm not returning to blogging, I still wanted to put up one more post since I pre-ordered and received Sayumi's graduation concert blu-ray DVD yesterday. Download links are at the bottom of this post. I'll upload it to the H!O tracker by request (or if someone does it for me, that would be great - just let me know and I'll help seed). I missed you guys and girls! Since this was the first H!P...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The end of Airii~n deshou?!

Yep, this is the end. Of course, I thought a lot about this and eventually came to the conclusion to close Airii~n deshou?! for the unforeseeable future. I don't have the energy nor the time to update Airii~n deshou?! like I used to, with school getting harder, and with my life getting more complicated. My PC is also starting to show wear from the heavy encoding that I've done almost every day and so it's probably best I don't push my poor processor...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Contest #9: Kikka autographs!

Quick note: this will be my last contest, as I'm 99% sure I'll be closing Airii~n deshou?! for good, but more on that after this contest is over. So remember the autographs that I got from meeting Kikka at AWA? Well as I said, I'll be giving away the black autographed T-shirt as a 1st place prize. I might also give away the photoset if I think another person is deserving of a prize. To win: 1. Create/do something as long as it relates to Kikkawa...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Taking a break from hiatus: AWA 9/29/12 Trip Report - Kikka is awesome

So I originally wasn't going to go, despite living in the same state as the Anime Weekend Atlanta convention that Kikkawa Yuu is attending. Why? Well, I'm not really a Kikka fan (though I've always respected her skills) and I only really like one or two of her songs. I was feeling too lazy to drive down there and spend who knows how much money (you can't just go to a convention and not buy stuff, right? lol). But, at the last minute this morning,...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Berryz, C-ute - Sakigake! Ongaku Banzuke Eight 8/15/12 720p

A quick 1 minute report featuring Berryz performing cha cha SING live, and C-ute performing Aitai Aitai Aitai na live. http://www.embedupload.com/?d=6JLXHPF...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

C-ute - Aitai Aitai Aitai na PV

It's on the official C-ute Youtube channel now! So I'll get this out of the way first: the dance is wefgvfbrfwgfhbdv HOT Like, really. Dear lord, C-ute. Well anyway, onto the PV review. Starting with the scenery first, it's nice that they didn't stay indoors and actually went outside to film parts. And the indoor locations weren't bad either. Definitely different from the random bland buildings they usually use. The dance...