Thursday, August 19, 2010

Its official: Eggs can audtion for 9th Gen

Nouciel has kindly translated a Tsunku blog post where he answers the long anticipated question of whether or not Eggs may join Morning Musume's 9th Generation.

"The persons who're currently on Hello Pro Eggs, who are between 10 years and 17 years old, and have the desire to participate, can do so."

So there you have it. Not only are Eggs eligible to audition, but they also will be able to skip the first round (where normal girls must send in a video of them singing/dancing). Makes sense seeing as Tsunku already knows what the Eggs can do.

The only problem I have with this announcement is the Eggs must still abide by the age requirement. This means my two most wanted Eggs (Kikkawa Yuu and Furukawa Konatsu) are unable to audition. It doesn't mean they can't or won't be added (Tsunku has definitely done crazier things), but it seems to be a lot less unlikely now. I still haven't given up hope, however.

Still, there are quite a few interesting names that are eligible to audition. Saho Akari and Kitahara Sayaka both immediately come to mind.

I'll actually go out on a limb and say this guarantees at least one Egg will be added to the 9th Generation. Every single one of them has a huge advantage over girls off of the street - concert experience. They also have been trained by professional dance and singing teachers.

Now it's just a matter of which one(s) and how many. More on how I want the 9th Generation audition to shape up later.


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